If you come by car, Hemkade has 3 parkings that you can use!
For those of you who have a disability card, you can contact the venue by following email (info@northseavenue.nl) to reserve your spot closer to the entrance.
Amsterdam – leaving from the center, take the IJ-tunnel, A10, and s150 for 15 km. Continue on Symon Spiersweg and in 2 minutes you are at the venue.
Rotterdam – From Rotterdam Noord take A4 to Oostzaan for 75.4 km. Exit through 1-Zaanstad-Zuid, and follow s150 to Zaanderhoorn for 4 more km.
Breda – from Franklin Rooseveltlaan (Breda Oost) get on A27, and follow the road for 111 km. Exits towards Verlengde Stellingweg/s118, and take s150 to Zaanderhoorn.
Den Haag – From S100 get on A12 for 5.3 km. Take A4 and A5 to Kolkweg, for 59.2 km and exist on 1-Zaanstad-Zuid. Continue on s150 for the last 4 km.
Eindhoven - Take Hoogstraat, Limburglaan and Botenlaan to Tilburgseweg for 2.5 km, until you reach A2 and A10 to Verlengde Stellingweg. Exit towards s180 after 132 km. Continue on the exit and on s150 for 5.2 km.
Alkmaar – From the center take Nieuwe Schermerweg to N244 for 2.4 km. for the next 27.7 km follow N244, N246, and exit on 1-Oostzaan. Continue on s150 for 3.8 km and you reached the destination.
Brussels – Get on E40 for 5.4 km and then follow E19, A27, A2, and A10, for 215 km. Exit on s118 and go on s150 for the last 5.2 km.
Antwerp – Get on A12 for 8 km. Continue on A4, A29, and A 5 to Kolkweg (172). Exit on Exits 1-Zaanstad-Zuid, and continue on s150 for 4km.
Ghents - Take N424 and John F. Kennedylaan to A11/N49 for 19.7 km. For the next 209 km follow that road and continue on R2, A4, A29, and A5 to OOstzaan. Exit and continue on s150 for 4 km
Brugge – Take R30 to Koning Albertlaan for 16.6 km. Continue on N49 and take A4, A29, and A 5 to Kolkweg (172). Exit on Exits 1-Zaanstad-Zuid, and continue on s150 for 4km.
Germany – Get on A38 in Leinefelde-Worbis. Follow the road and take for 478 km A7, A44, A2, A3, A30, and A1. Take the exit Verlengde Stellingweg/s118 and s150 and in 5.2 km you are at the venue.
France – From Blvd Périphérique, Paris, take A3 exit towards Lille. Merge into A1 and continue for 513 km on E17, E19, A27, and A2, to Verlengde Stellingweg. Take s150 for the last 5.2 km.